Independent Living: 206.365.3020 Assisted Living: 206.362.8077
Individual Giving

Make a Planned Gift
Leave a lasting legacy through planned giving. Your deferred gift is a visionary way to extend our mission into the future. No gift is too small. Join the noble tradition of Olympic View Community Church members who mortgaged their homes in 1972 to build Northaven.
When you make a planned gift, notifying us of your intention, even with an unknown amount, is helpful. Become a member of The Hearts of Northaven and enjoy benefits like our annual member luncheon and special updates on the impact of your investment.
Ways to make a planned gift:
Bequest in your will: Provide for a gift of a specific amount or a percentage of your estate to Northaven in your will or a codicil.
Charitable lead trust: Make a significant gift now, and Northaven receives the interest, providing for the eventual transfer of the original assets to your heirs.
Charitable remainder trust (CRT): Gift assets to a CRT while retaining the right to receive or direct the income generated by the assets to another beneficiary, such as a spouse or child, for life or a fixed term.
Beneficiary designations: Designate Northaven as a beneficiary of your IRA, qualified retirement plan, life insurance policy, annuity contract, or savings bonds.
Ready to discuss a planned gift? Please contact:
Phone: 206.362.3020
Consult with your loved ones and professional advisors when planning your gift. Your contribution ensures Northaven's continued impact for generations to come.